Top 5 Eco-Friendly Travel Tips

May 22, 2018

The weather is getting warmer and the travel bug is starting to bite. It's one thing to be eco-conscious when you're at home. It gets more difficult when you're on the road. 

But with some simple preparation, you can be eco-friendly and help the environment while exploring. 

There are our top 5 eco-friendly travel tips:

1. Pack for the environment. Instead of buying bottled water, bring your own refillable water bottle to hydrate while traveling. Bring reusable shopping bags for grocery shopping. 

2. See America first. To reduce your carbon footprint, exploring places close(r) to home is an eco-friendly option. Especially in the US, there is so much to explore right in our backyard. 

3. Pack light. The more weight on a plane, the more carbon emissions it produces. So pack light. The environment will thank you and you will have less luggage to lug around. 

4. Eat local. Try the local beer and the locally grown food. You will experience local tastes and cuisine, and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time. 

5. Treat the hotel like home. Act in a hotel, like you would at home. Avoid getting new towels unless necessary, don't take long showers and remember to turn the tv and lights off when you leave the room. 

How do you like to stay eco-conscious while traveling? 

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